A Day in the Life of our Little Ladies
Our little girls aren't so little anymore!
Miss Pink weighed in at over 21 lbs at our last vet visit, with Miss Purple almost 19 lbs already! Both our gals are cute and fluffy, and beginning to really show their personalities!
Miss Pink is 100% obsessed with the pool... and retrieving every stick or leaf that falls into it. Miss Purple is incredibly observant and eager to please... or chew on a stick while basking in the warm afternoon sun (her favorite!).
We're pretty sure we've decided which of the girls will be staying with us (and really wish we could keep both!) but aren't quite ready to make an official announcement just yet. ;-) The other is going to be enjoying a wonderful life with her new family in Phoenix later this month. (Yes, both these girls and all of our 2018 litter are spoken for.)
If you'd like to join the 2019 waiting list for our next litter of golden retriever puppies, contact us!